Issue: REW doesn't detect 8c master
Symptoms: When trying to perform measurements with REW, an error is presented: “Couldn’t get the master 8c from the network. (...)” or “Could not identify master 8c”.
Cause: It seems that the problem is (partly) caused by an issue inside REW. The development team of REW is aware of this issue, although we cannot give an estimated-time-of-arrival for their update.
Solution suggestion 1 (for Apple users): You can try directly connecting your 8c to your PC with an ethernet cable (so not via a switch) if your PC has an ethernet port.
Solution suggestion 2 (for Apple users): You might be helped by this experience we heard from another customer: "(...) were able to resolve the issue. It required a full uninstall of REW and a removal of all preference files, then a brand new re-installation from scratch. Apple also requires adding full disk and network access to REW in preferences to access the 8cs after the update."
Solution suggestion 3: Install an older version of REW. A customer (using Apple OS) reported that with REW v5.20.13 everything worked flawlessly again.
Solution suggestion 4: Use the XLR input of the 8c, if you have a device that can act as audio interface and which can be put in between the 8c and your PC (for example: a DAC). Then let REW output the sweep signal to that device.
Solution suggestion 5: Export a sweep signal to an audio file, store that file, and provide it to the 8c's in a way that is external to REW, and when it is played, let REW 'listen' for the sweep to calculate the filters. After generating the filter parameters, you have to manually copy them over into the Ascend app (instead of sending them directly from REW to the 8c's).

Jason Kennedy - Hifi+
“If you want to hear the future of fidelity, grab yourself an audition forthwith.”